A Doodle is a cross between a pure-bred Poodle and another pure-bred breed.
Doodles are an intelligent and obedient breed. They are friendly and make a wonderful family pet because of their loving temperament. Our dogs have traditionally made good lap dogs.
Goldendoodles need moderate exercise and adapt to a variety of living environments.
Doodles are intelligent dogs that are social in nature. They typically get very attached to their families and get along well with both children and adults.
Doodles shed less than most other canine breeds. Dogs that shed lightly are sometimes referred to as “hypoallergenic.” This does not mean that dog breeds such as the Doodle will not trigger an allergic reaction. However, the fact that the Doodle sheds less means those with mild allergies may not have a reaction to a Doodle even though they may to other breeds. You can learn more by reading about hypoallergenic dogs on Wikipedia.
A F1 Doodle is the direct offspring of a Poodle and another pure breed.
A F1B Doodle is the direct offspring of a F1 Doodle and a Poodle.